Companies dealing with the regular passenger transportation can operate either from predefined regular stops or on the basis of stops that are updated every day depending on those passengers who use the service. In both cases a perfect route planning is essential to provide an efficient service and that meets the expectations of timeliness and confidence of passengers that use it. Maximizing the routes for the transport of passengers is of a big importance to the success of your business, because it lets you save time and unnecessary costs and increase the quality of the service offered.
For this reason, incorporating to your business activity a tool like Routing Reparto, which is a software specifically designed for the control and optimization of your company's vehicles movements, will mean an exponential improvement in all the aspects of your business. On the one hand, you will be able to plan efficiently the routes of passenger transport, and on the other hand, you will be able to implement a tracking module that will allow you to know in real time the activity of your business throughout the day.

Save in costs and decrease planning time
- Optimize logistics and increase the effectiveness of your business.
- Specific logistical calculation for your business, taking into account multiple factors such as working hours, the vehicle's load capacity, the type of vehicle, the number of passengers, etc.
- Reduction of the distances traveled and the duration of the travel
- Helps with the expansion of your business activity, and reaches more customers.

Improve your service of regular passenger transport
- Optimize your regular passenger transport services, reducing the duration of each trip and increasing the work capacity of your vehicles.
- Improve customer service and dealings with the administration.
- Acquire a deeper understanding of your business.

Route control
- Better route planning with automatic allocation of pickup and destination points.
- Control of proper route planning, according to criteria of efficiency and ecology..

Adapted to all types of regular passenger transport services
- Specific calculation for the type of service transport service: home pickup, special needs, medical treatment, etc.